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The Executive Board of IATSE 796 is made up of five officers elected by the membership. There is a sixth elected officer, Sergeant-at-Arms, and 3 elected Board of Trustees, who are not part of the Executive Board. Each officer serves a term of three years. Officers are working technicians within the freelance community.

Officers serve staggered, three year terms. Nominations are accepted during 3rd Quarter General Membership meetings. Annual elections are held during the fourth quarter. Any member in good standing can run for office. Please consider the contribution you can make as an officer of Local 796.


Eric Norberg, President (Dallas)

Eric Norberg is a long-time member of IATSE 796 and has been free-lancing (mostly as a camera operator) in DFW since 1981. He was Chairman of the Board of Trustees for 3 terms before assuming the office of President in 2016. 

Larry Allen, Business Representative (Dallas)

Larry is a free lance camera operator and member since 2001. He was also a former Trustee.

Susan Goree, Secretary/Treasuer (Houston)

Susan has worked with IATSE 796 for 10+ years, most recently as Office Manager. She has been a member for the last 8 years.

Bruce Deck, Recording Secretary (Dallas)

Bruce is a free lance camera operator and member since 2004.

Sergeant at Arms

Kathy Hart

Scott Dailey, Vice President (Dallas)

Scott has 34 years of experience, and is in his 34th year as a full time free lancer, as a technical director. He has been a member from the beginning and has served two terms as a Trustee.

Board of Trustees

Kevin Manuel - Houston
Scott Dailey - Dallas
Frank Arechiga - San Antonio/Austin

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